About SMA

A small introduction

About Us

The Suame Municipal Assembly is one of the thirty-eight (38) new Districts created nationwide. It is also one of the five (5) Sub-Metropolitan District Councils of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly elevated to the status of a Municipality pursuant to Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2295 of 2017. The Municipality is almost at the centre of the Ashanti Region. The municipality shares boundaries with Afigya Kwabre South District to the North, Old Tafo Municipality to the East and Kumasi Metropolis to the West and South boundaries. It is approximately 319 km North of the national capital, Accra and is strategically located at where intra and inter trading activities take place.

Let us talk about ourselves

Our Core Values

Suame Municipal Assembly is committed to improving the lives of its people and achieving its vision and mission through the following core values;

  • Client focus: The Assembly places customer satisfaction at the core of each of its business decision. The staff would focus on helping clients to meet their long term needs and wants. The Assembly is determined to put its clients first, creating and new thinking that allow the Assembly to find the most cost effective measures to meet client needs.
  • Development oriented: The Assembly would implement policies that have a significant impact on the course of human development such as poverty reduction and creation of jobs.
  • Transparency: The Assembly’s obligation to share information with citizens. It is at the heart of citizens hold their public officials accountable. The Assembly is open and accountable and that policies and programs are visible to the public.
  • Value for Money: the assembly is to ensure that the most advantageous combination of cost, quality and sustainability to meet client requirements. Thus meeting a specification which is fit for purpose and sufficient to meet the client’s requirement. The Assembly is determined to ensure efficient, economic and effective use of resources. Services must be provided importantly, fairly, equitably and without bias.
  • Innovativeness: The Assembly is determined to put different strategies that would further satisfying the needs and expectations of its clients. The Municipal Assembly would be creative and introduce new ideas in dealing with its numerous challenges.
  • Professionalism: The Assembly would put up a high level of professionalism in dealing with its clients. The staff is expected to treat clients as well as co-workers with respect, courtesy and deliver service within specifications frame. The Assembly would help to improve productivity and effectiveness. These include, sharing of complexion for others, responding appropriately to the emotional response, demonstrating a calm, compassionate and helpful demeanour towards those in need.
  • Ethnicity: The largest ethnic group in the Municipality is Asante followed by Mole Dagbon and Ewes. Almost all other ethnic groups in Ghana can be found in the Municipality. These ethnic groups have co-existed in the Municipality peacefully which is a good recipe for development.

How it all came to be…

Functions of the Municipality

The functions of the Assembly as given by the Local Governance Act 936, 2016 section 12 is as follows.

  • Exercise political and administrative authority in the district
  • Be responsible for the overall development of the district;
  • Formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilisation of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district;
  • Promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and development;
  • Sponsor the education of students from the district to fill particular manpower needs of the district especially in the social sectors of education and health, making sure that the sponsorship is fairly and equitably balanced between male and female students;
  • Initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district;
  • Be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district;
  • In co-operation with the appropriate national and local security agencies, be responsible for the maintenance of security and public safety in the district;
  • Ensure ready access to courts in the district for the promotion of justice;
  • Act to preserve and promote the cultural heritage within the district;
  • Initiate, sponsor or carry out studies that may be necessary for the discharge of any of the duties conferred by this Act or any other enactment;

Providing to you..

Our Services

  • Slaughter house management
  • Food Hygiene
  • School Health Inspection
  • Market Inspection & Sanitation
  • Public Health Education
  • Disinfection of Public Places/Sick & Death
  • Disinfestation and fumigation of sanitary sites
  • Screening of food vendors
  • Burial of Paupers
  • Inspection of expired products
  • Management of Public Toilets/Urinals & Baths
  • Management of final disposal sites
  • Enforcement of Assembly by-laws and public health laws
  • Exhumation of dead body
  • Liquid waste management
  • Solid waste management
  • Management of cemetery and crematorium
  • Preparation of Road Asset management (Road Database)
  • Gathers, collates and updates data on all properties of the Assembly
  • Provision of educational programmes for the creation of public awareness in water and sanitation
  • Assists in prioritization and selection of roads and water maintenance and development
  • Registration and Assistance to People with Disabilities (PMD) within the municipality
  • Child protection and promotion in the municipality
  • Embark on income generating activities for women groups/associations